Thank You for taking part in the Development Plan Workshop on 26th September. The club is delighted that the event was so well attended with over 50 people present and everyone contributing fully to the discussions. It is heartening to be reminded of the genuine interest that you have for Gortin St. Patrick’s GAA Club and to learn from your experiences and new ideas.

Now – together – we need to put the priorities identified at the workshop into action.

You will find attached to this correspondence, a DRAFT Club Development Plan V1.

The next steps in the development of the plan are as follows;

· Section 6 of the Draft Plan outlines the priorities identified for each of the 5 activity areas at the workshop. This is for your review and feedback.

· Section 7 of the Draft Plan is where the priorities are translated into an action plan.

· 2 further workshops will be held as follows to develop these action plans;

Monday 4th Nov 2013: Activity 1: Coaching & Games Development

@7:30 in Clubrooms Activity 2: Club Structures and Administration

Monday 11th Nov 2013: Activity 3: Finance and Fundraising

@7:30 in Clubrooms Activity 4: Facilities and Development

Activity 5: Communication/PR and Culture

The development of the Action Plan is a critical step to secure the club development aims.

Please stick with us and lend your support to achieve a completed plan.